Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Three Great Teachers Blogs


I really enjoyed reading Breezy Special Ed! I like that Brie, the blogger, includes pictures as examples for what she does in the classroom. I also like that she has tabs for different subjects, that makes it easier to find something specific you may be looking for. She gives great resources for other teachers to use in their classrooms. I enjoy reading that I share some teaching beliefs with this blogger. On top of the great information Brie has I love the look of her Blog. Its colorful, inviting, and still looks professional.


Teaching Special Thinkers is a fantastic Blog for not only giving advice for in the classroom, but also has resources for information about disabilities and other things that make our students "special." I think it's a great idea to have a list of tagged words that you can click on and have multiple posts show up that contain those words. That makes it easy for teachers to find what they are looking for. It's interesting that this blogger has a tab that leads to a website where teachers can buy and sell teaching material. I had no clue such a great resource existed!


This Blog has great resources and ideas for teaching, but also gives great advice to special education teachers on how to manage their stress and time. That is so useful for any teacher, especially in the emotionally stressful field of special education. This blog makes the reader feel like they are not going through the difficulties of teaching alone. Teaching Learners with Multiple Needs also gives lesson plans for different ages of students. It was great to read the posts on the right side that were linked to different tips, whether it was about seizures in the classroom or learning where to find scissors for special education students. This Blog is definitely going to be one of my favorites for information!

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